Thursday, December 19, 2013

You are invited to be an underwriter of this event - please scroll down to see underwriting blank

Dear Friends,

IAG Productions and Apple-Eye Productions are pleased to present “An Evening of Music with Rachel Loshak and Morgan Taylor” to be held on Sunday, February 16th at Kleinert/James Center for the Arts, Byrdcliffe at Woodstock, from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.  This fundraising concert will benefit Planned Parenthood Mid-Hudson Valley.  I hope that you will join us in making this a very special evening. 

While Planned Parenthood tries its best to bring reproductive health services to a wide spectrum of men and women, some members of Congress are bent on taking away these basic rights.    

Women in our community and everywhere should have the freedom to make their own decisions about their reproductive health, their pregnancies, their families and their future.  In my view, access to sex education and birth control is the best way to avoid abortions.

I invite you to be an underwriter of our fundraising concert.  Your support of this exciting event will help Planned Parenthood to continue to carry out its mission despite the obstacles and opposition it faces.

Please choose from the giving levels below and send your check to PPMHV on or before February 7th so that we may list you on the program, which will go to print on February 10th.

Yours sincerely,

Rachel Jackson

IAG Productions * * Tel. 646 331 0908 

“An Evening of Music with Rachel Loshak and Morgan Taylor”
Fundraising Concert to benefit
Planned Parenthood Mid-Hudson Valley

Yes, I/we are pleased to be listed in the program for the February 16, 2013 fundraising concert, and will serve as:

____ Underwriter at $1,000 (includes 4 tickets)

____ Benefactor at $500 (includes 2 tickets)

____ Sponsor at $250 (includes 1 ticket)

____ Concert Ticket   $10

I/we would like our name(s) to appear on the invitation as follows:


Unfortunately I/we cannot attend, but would like to make a contribution of


Payment Method:

_____  My check, made payable to Planned Parenthood, is enclosed.

_____  Please charge my:   q  AmEx     q MC     q Visa     q Discover   

Email: ________________________________ Phone: _________________

Card #: ______________________________________Exp. Date: ____/____

Signature: ______­_______________________________________________


Please make your check payable to Planned Parenthood Mid-Hudson Valley (or PPMHV) and mail it to the Development Dept. at PPMHV, 395 Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508 by February 7th so we may include your name on the program, which will go to print on February 10th.

                                                                       PPMHV * 395 Main Street, Beacon

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